Bringing you another Friday 'wine' down. Huzzah! This week: Cross stitches and Cabernet Sauvignon!
Specifically, the Cross-Over Double Crochet Stitch and Noble Vines 337 Cab. Let's dive right on in and start the discussion with the cross-over double crochet stitch. This stitch is one to use to bring a little 'umph to your textile. What's great about this stitch is that it looks more complicated than it really is and this has been what I am digging most about these Stitch This, Sip This posts - that when stitches are really broken down to the most basic components that we see it's just the basic foundational crochet stitch (in this case the double crochet) just worked a little different (in this case crossed over one another). The concept seems pretty simple, right?
Now, let's get a look at the charted symbol for the cross-over double crochet (another thing I am totally digging is teaching you lovelies, little by little, how to become very comfortable with charted patterns as you continue to become familiar with individual charted stitches)

So, when you see that symbol, what is it that you are supposed to do? Take a look at the photos below.
Unless there is a reason for me NOT to, I start my crocheted projects with a foundation chain, Seen above is my single crochet foundation chain. I think I worked 14 foundation single crochet, but if you've got hook and yarn in hand currently, the amount of foundation stitches isn't too important for this lesson but just make sure you have an even number of foundation stitches worked before moving on to step 2.
Now, for the next step you'll either ch 3 or work a starting linked-dc (which has become my go to starting dc - don't know how to work this stitch, let me know in the comments and I'll do a tutorial on it) Anyway, after that you'll skip the first stitch and work a dc in the next. And here's where most people find the difficulty. Taking another look at the charted symbol above, you will notice the cross stitch is worked from behind. Meaning, after you skip the stitch, work one dc in the next, you'll then yarn over and proceed to work a dc by inserting your hook from back to front into the SPACE (not the stitch) of the skipped stitch. {take a look at the top row last photo on the right and the bottom row first photo on the left]You'll then insert your hook in to the stitch and work a dc behind the dc you just completed. Now, from here you continue to work by repeating the steps: *skipping next st, dc in next, working behind the dc just made, dc in the skipped stitch. You'll get textile that looks similar to the below.

Once you get the hang out that, you can start playing around with working the dc into the skipped stitch by working in front of the dc just worked [seen in the last two stitches before the last stitch in the photo above~ (you see how it also changes the leaning direction of the st - pretty cool, eh! You can come up with some really neat designs just playing around with stitches].
And once you get the hang of that, why not skip a stitch, work three dc in each of the next 3 stitches then working behind the three dc just worked, work a dc in the skipped stitch :) Ya' see, it just adds that extra 'sumtin 'sumtin to your work. The photo below shows my very first published design. I was published in I Like Crochet Digital Magazine February 2017 issue. Here I used the 3 dc cross over - so I worked three dc then on cross over. This design is also being tweaked and a slightly redesigned version will be released this Fall! Hooray! So be on the look out for the release date if you are interested!

Oh and look, my model is holding a bottle of wine and a glass .... perhaps it is time to discuss the 'Sip' part of Stitch This Sip This! HA!
Noble Vines is a another local winery here in Northern California. I think it so cool that they name their wines by the grape vine stock in which they come from and each bottle carries with it some of the mother vine - isn't that neat?! So straight from their website - here's what 337 Cabernet Sauvignon is all about:
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon Home Vineyard: Clay Station, Lodi, CA Vine Origin: Bordeaux, France Soil Match: Clay, rocky clay Climate Zone: Maritime Mediterranean Flavors: Black cherries, blackberries, sweet herbs
What's also great about this wine is the price! A SRP of $15 but one can get it for as low as $10 most places. A really great wine at a great price. Open up a bottle and you can get to sipping right away, although I most always use my portable wine aerator (which is on sale for a fantastic price right now) when drinking any wine - I noticed that I didn't really need it - a pour, swirl and sniff immediately gave off sweet black cherries and spice. When it hits the tongue you get both smooth and tangible taste of ripened fruit, spice and hint of oak. The residual sugar is at 3g/L. We had it with grilled carne asada and it was a delightful experience!
Definitely a winner at price point and taste. So, hopefully, you'll get a little 337 (or 152) in your glass tonight or at least by weekend's end - you won't be disappointed. And if you have not already, make sure you subscribe to my website so you'll be ready to get Stitching on the Sweater Jacket seen above and in another color on my home page here. Until next time Lovelies, may your stitches and sips be plenty! xoxo